Separate Lives (KBG36932)
Gone to Seed (KBG34792)
Better Days (KBG32938)
At Home (KBG34811)
Separation (KBG23689)
Between the Lines (KBG17916)
On The Way Out (KBG17374)
Winter Light (KBG18075)
The Old Farmstead (KBG26591)
Gathering Place (KBG20534)
Where the Wildflowers Sing (KBG32420)
Exuberance (KBG34648)
Celtic Colours (KDF04057)
Mabou (KDF03152)
October in Charlevoix (KBG29787)
Pioneers (KBG32211)
Lupin Grove (KAS49471)
Garden of the Gulf (KBG34895)
Summertime Dreams (KBG31897)
Summer Farm (KBG13918)
In Obscurity (KBG29245)
Against the Stream (KBG26586)
Still Waters Run Deep (KAS40362)
Turbulence (KDF03276)
A Dark Horse (KBG26103)